Contact us

For any questions about this website or the Zad du Carnet, don’t hesitate to contact zadducarnet[at]

For any questions concerning juridical aspects, contact the legal team legal_carnet[at]

We have a PGP key for crypting mails. Our public keys are on many keyservers. If you also use the PGP protocol, here are our fingerprints
zadducarnet[at] : 2609 10BB 64F0 B59B 9ED3 03FD E46D FF9B A979 170F
legal_carnet[at] : 8F75 92A7 8E99 60AB A752 EF95 A0D3 1249 E246 F828

For the journalists, you can contact us by mail zadducarnet[at] to plan your trip. You should contact us at least one week in advance if you plan to come so that the team which manages the webmail has enough time to warn people on site and answer you. We wrote a protocol for journalists than you can consult in order to plan your visit on the ZAD.